Sunday, February 22, 2009

Opi thinks this is how you wear a bra. I litterally had to unwind her.

The Groomer

For some reason, this child loves to be groomed. She begs everyday to cut her nails, brush her teeth and clean her ears. In this picture, she ran to the ottoman and laid down, waiting for dave to bring the qtips!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wee! Opi's New Hangout

Opal has affectionately named the playground "wee". Whenever we see one she yells "wee" and gets excited. Actually the swings are wee but she thinks every playground has swings.
She has awesome technique on her tummy...doesn't look fun to me.
Now that she sees the big kids sitting up, she wants to do it too.
She can climb up the slide and go down by herself too.

Raffes Next to the Park

Right across the street from the park is the Honolulu Zoo. If you look closely in the picture with Opal you can see their heads. She screams "raffe" everytime we see them! So cute.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Kiwi Thief

We have a fruit bowl that was within Opal's reach but she kept running in the living room with different fruits. She is obsessed with "wiwi" (kiwi) and begs you to peel it 10 times a day. Yesterday she had a whole bunch of bananas, day before and onion and potato. The bowl is now on the counter...

We Have a Garden

We just got a plot at the Diamond Head Community Garden.
Opi loves it too, we just planted all our vegetables.
She is clean in these photos, but by the end she is covered in dirt.

More Garden Pics

Opal helps Da-Da, well not really...
We're trying to teach her to stay out of the plot. Very hard to do.
This pinwheel is her contribution to the garden.
The path between the garden plots.

Sunglasses Are Her New Thing

Opi loves to wear sunglasses. These pink ones are from her baby friend, Elle.
And these lovely glasses are from her doll "Bobbi". She thinks they fit!